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NED International is a specialist company that provides solutions (natural refrigerant technology) to combat global warming.

A changing global environment

The term global warming has become increasingly common over recent years, and discussions about how to deal with warming are taking place at a global level.
However, while the term itself is used often there is generally only a vague understanding of what it entails.
The media is full of reports about how the ice at the south pole is melting, sea temperatures have risen 0.7 degree over the course of 150 years, and other such information.


Natural refrigerants

Natural refrigerants include ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon blend refrigerants that have a GWP of 3 or lower, which is vastly lower than chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants.

NED International’s flagship products are its patented N10, N20, and N30 hydrocarbon blend refrigerants.

Comparison of natural refrigerants